“The unknown energy that can help humanity is that which lies hidden in the child.”

– Dr. Maria Montessori

The Montessori Method of Education was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, the first Italian female doctor. The method emphasizes the importance of a child’s holistic development, by enabling the child to make choices, interact with one’s world, and thereby grow one’s character. Montessori teaching views a child as being at par with an adult, in that each child has perceptions, emotions, talents and abilities that must be respected, and if encouraged, grow into healthy expressions.

We Would also like to Explore any special talent your child may have and help to nurture it. To provide our children a head start in life and help them to inculcate social skills we have been striving to bring about transformation in the educational scenario.

The endeavor is not much to teach the child but to empower the students to embark upon his or her own exciting journey of discovery and learning. We firmly believe that students and teachers are fellow travellers on the road to knowledge and self actualisation.

SSVM will help equip children to take rigorous of the school years a head of them while accumatizing them gently to the process. One of the prominent objective of preschool education is to develop in the child a sense of trust and security.

We Provide increased self esteem and the child starts working more independently. We strive to know and understand the characteristics of preschool children. This enables us to plan and provide the readiness activities which further would prepare children for formal learning, Proper preparation in a play way method and activity based approach will fuel the child’s curiosity and competence motivation.

Empowering Students for a Brighter Future

Our Focus Area

Memory Skills

Social Skills

Fine Motor Skills

Creativity Skills

Writing and Reading

Physical Development


Language & Literacy Development Skills

Joyful Journeys



These exercises provide a foundation for all other activities in the Montessori environment. These include simple activities which an adult performs in the course of daily life e.g. walking, sitting, holding and carrying things, rolling/unrolling, folding/unfolding things, etc and general social behaviour such as greeting, talking, etc. Children have a strong urge to perform activities they have observed since birth. The adult guides the children in performing such activity in the proper manner. These activities help the child develop concentration and coordination, social awareness and a sense of order in the environment.


Dr Maria Montessori describes the child as a ‘sensorial explorer’ because children learn through sensorial experiences. Right from birth a child is exposed to visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile perceptions through which they identify the world. Montessori sensorial material enable the child to identify, shape, size, colour, weight, texture, sound, smell etc and relate that with his/her surrounding.


Human beings have the unique ability to imagine, create and think abstractly. Dr Montessori designed the arithmetic materials to stimulate the natural capabilities of a child’s mathematical mind. These materials help the child appreciate abstract concepts by presenting them in a concrete form. The child gets familiar with numbers, the decimal system and eventually is introduced to four arithmetic operations across hierarchies. This leads to a strong understanding of various mathematical concepts.


Language is an entirely human creation, and contributes to our role as social animals, capable of communicating and receiving information. It is an integral part of our lives and is absorbed unconsciously from birth. Language is informally introduced by enriching his vocabulary through activities like stories, songs, conversations and names of various things around him. Formally, language is introduced in the form of phonetics, writing, reading and grammar. In a Montessori environment writing and reading comes as an ‘explosion’ and when that occurs, they bring tremendous joy to the child.


The study of culture extends to and incorporates Art, History, Geography, Zoology, Botany and the Physical Sciences. The child needs to understand and appreciate basic forms of art and music, which will help him/her adapt to the society and also to appreciate different forms of music and arts. Simple musical instruments to help them develop a sense of music and various tools and medium of art such as crayons, paints and chalk are provided. In History the child is made aware of passage of time, mainly through stories. In Geography the child learns about continents, countries, customs, food, language and other aspects of life. Botany and Zoology lessons are taught by means of narration and materials and the children are encouraged to explore the same in outdoor environment. Physical science is introduced to them through real life experiences and simple experiments.

Ensuring the Right Fit

Age Criteria For Pre-Primary Kids

Nursery - 3 Years To 4 years

  • Imparting essential life skills.
  • Enhancing learning & Interaction
  • Cultivating Creativity & Developing Curiosity

LKG - 4 Years To 5 Years

  • Developing language skills to express thoughts and feelings
  • Age-appropriate learning
  • Learning tools for individual pace

UKG - 5 Years To 6 years

  • Building & enhancing vocabulary
  • Developing attention span
  • Innovative methods to improve reading and writing
  • Preparing children to Primary school